Phnom Penh (FN), Jun. 28 – The Enhancing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Investments (3Ei) is a five-year initiative (2023 – 2027) implemented by Khmer Enterprise and Swisscontact and co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Khmer Enterprise. The initiative works closely with the entrepreneurial ecosystem actors in Cambodia to strengthen Cambodia's socio-economic development.

The overall goal of the 3Ei is for the private sector to actively contribute to Cambodia's socio-economic development and attain the goals of the SDGs. The achievement of this overall goal will be driven by two outcomes. Outcome 1: Enhanced coordination, and collaboration within the entrepreneurial ecosystem; and Outcome 2: Increased business performance and investments in the ecosystem and impact enterprises.

To achieve the two outcomes, 3EI Project implements under four Intervention Areas (IA). IA1: Enhance Connections and Collaborations; IA2: Strengthen Entrepreneurship and Innovation; IA3: Establish Cambodia Technical Assistance (TA) Facility; IA4: Strengthen Data to Foster Investment.

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