Phnom Penh (FN), May 30 – Cambodian Senate President, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said that the transfer of power to the next generation was the right decision because the new government, composed of a young and capable workforce, is well-equipped to lead the nation toward future progress.

Samdech Techo received a courtesy call by British Ambassador to Cambodia Dominic Williams on Thursday morning (May 30) at the Senate.

Taking this occasion, Samdech Techo also asked the British ambassador for assistance in modernising the inspection process by providing advanced technology for managing human resources and addressing inactivity. The Senate president also expressed his pleasure at meeting with the Ambassador following their first meeting in February 2023.

Ambassador Dominic Williams thanked Samdech Techo for allowing him and his delegation to pay a courtesy call on. He congratulated Samdech Techo on his election as the Cambodian Senate President and wished him good health and continued success.

Ambassador Dominic Williams highlighted that since their first meeting, when he became the British ambassador to Cambodia, relations between Cambodia and the United Kingdom (UK) have continued to grow. For instance, the opening of a British University in Koh Pich, which officially launched in September 2023 with reasonable tuition fees and scholarships.

The ambassador was pleased that the UK signed an agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance to develop green infrastructure projects, renewable energy, and defence cooperation. Additionally, he was excited about the first Cambodian student to graduate from the British Defence University. Recently, a British ship docked at the port of Sihanoukville, and he hoped that more British navy vessels would visit in the future.

The ambassador also noted that the trade volume between the two countries has been steadily increasing and that an investment forum has been set up to attract British investment to Cambodia.

For his part, Samdech Techo Hun Sen thanked the British Ambassador for highlighting the development of relations between the two countries. He expressed his pleasure that the UK had achieved its goal of opening a university in Cambodia. In the past, some Cambodian students had to go to the UK for their studies, but now with a British university in Cambodia, it will be easier for students and help reduce their expenses.

Another notable development is the establishment of a green industrial park. While Korea and Japan have previously invested in this sector, the UK’s involvement will further enhance investment in green industry.

Regarding the Cambodia-UK Investment Forum, Samdech Techo noted that although Britain had left the European Union, its policy towards Cambodia had not changed. He encouraged the British Ambassador to continue working with the new Royal Government led by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet on trade and investment to boost economic ties.

The British ambassador stated that the new Royal Government, led by Samdech Thipadei, was energetic and focused on trade and investment. He stressed that Britain has substantial cooperation with Cambodia and will support the peaceful and stable transfer of power to the next generation, ensuring continued development.

Both sides also discussed various international issues, including the Myanmar crisis, Russia-Ukraine war, the Middle East, and the South China Sea dispute.

Samdech Techo remarked that the current situation in the South China Sea is less tense than in 2022 when Cambodia chaired ASEAN and aimed to achieve the COC (Code of Conduct) but was unsuccessful. He stated that the South China Sea issue is not solely between ASEAN and China. However, it required concerned parties to coordinate. All concerned parties must adhere to the DOC (Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea), exercise patience, and work together.

Samdech Techo also expressed concerns about various countries' strategies in the Indo-Pacific region, including Japan, Australia, the United States, the European Union, Canada, India, and South Korea. He added that all Indo-Pacific strategies must promote peace and development, and respect ASEAN centrality. Samdech Techo also thanked all ASEAN partners for respecting ASEAN centrality.

Finally, the British Ambassador expressed his gratitude to Samdech Techo for allowing his delegation to pay a courtesy call, which demonstrates the sincerity and commitment to the relationship between the two countries. He noted that the relationship is growing stronger and will continue to make progress.