Phnom Penh (FN), May 15 – Fresh News, Cambodia’s leading source of breaking news for politics and economy, celebrated its sixth year anniversary on Friday.

Fresh News was officially launched on 15 May 2014, using advanced technology to provide information through notifications. This means that readers can receive instant and breaking news on smartphones and other devices such as iPads and tablets just by installing Fresh News app.

Fresh News publishes news in three languages, such as Khmer, English, and Chinese. Fresh News’ channels include (1) cabled and smart TVs ; (2) app; (3) website; (4) facebook; (5) youtube; (6) radio; and (7) telegram. Fresh News also has an entertainment website, known as Khmer Talking, which focuses more on arts, sports, and health.

"Fresh News, Not Silent, Keep Moving" is a slogan set out by Lim Chea Vutha, Founder and CEO of Fresh News.

"To achieve something new is easy, but sustaining that achievement is difficult,” said the CEO.

Lim Chea Vutha stated that Fresh News’ success would not have been possible without the contributions from Fresh News' heads and staffs of all levels.

“My happiness is to see my colleagues enjoy doing their work and have a decent living.”

Celebrating the sixth anniversary of Fresh News, Vutha thanked staffs, partners, and readers for supporting and trusting Fresh News. The CEO also thanked the Royal Government of Cambodia, political parties in Cambodia, armed forces of all levels, and civil society groups for their collaborations to feed correct information to Fresh News.

Fresh News pledges to timely and correctly disseminate information to citizens so that they can be informed of events happened in and outside Cambodia.

On behalf of Fresh News, the CEO apologises for all unintentional mistakes occurred over past six years. He commits to fix all the unintentional errors, and strive to enhance his capacity to serve in media sector.