Phnom Penh (FN), May 13 – American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) would like to congratulate AUPP’s very own Chunboramy Kuch, who has been accepted into the International Affairs Master’s program at the National University of Singapore with a full scholarship.

As a senior, Boramy will graduate from AUPP with a Bachelor of Arts in Global Affairs by May 2020. She is an outstanding student with a caring heart and a strong commitment to social responsibility. The AUPP community wishes her the best of luck in her continuing journey.

Boramy informs us, "It is a privilege and I appreciate the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in International Affairs at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKY SPP). Growing up seeing people around me going through hardships caused by poverty and the lack of education has inspired my commitment to creating a better possible impact on my community and country.”

"During my summer vacations, I have worked as an English teacher in rural Cambodia for a small yet inspiring NGO, where I was able to get a clearer picture of the education in rural communities and gained exposure to other societal issues faced by those communities,” she added.

Boramy continued: "That was also when I began to expand my interest in rural development, beyond just education. Thus, I intend to specialise my field of study in International Economics and Development to broaden my understanding of policies and social issues in Asia, in the hope of being able to play a small part in creating positive changes to society, regarding poverty, education, and rural development in Cambodia".

Boramy thanked AUPP, the renowned university of high-quality education in Cambodia and in the region, for preparing her to be successful as well as paving ways for her future endeavours.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked consistently as one of the world's top 10 universities.