(Telegram): Today marks seven years of Telegram. In 2013, we began as a small app focused on secure messaging and have since grown into a platform with over 400M users. Telegram is now one of the top 10 most-downloaded apps and is used all over the world to stay in touch with family, collaborate with classmates and coordinate coworkers.
We did not reach this milestone on our own – Telegram has never advertised and every user has come to the app because of a recommendation from someone they trust. Strong principles and quality features speak for themselves, and millions of you listened. We've heard you as well, and will continue to develop features that make Telegram much more than just a messaging app. Today we're adding the one you've been asking for – fast and secure video calls.
2020 highlighted the need for face-to-face communication, and our alpha version of video calls is now available on both Android and iOS. You can start a video call from your contact's profile page, and switch video on or off at any time during voice calls. Like all other video content on Telegram, video calls support picture-in-picture mode, allowing you to scroll through chats and multitask while maintaining eye contact.