Phnom Penh (FN), Jun. 13 – Cambodian Prime Minister revealed that a group of investors proposed establishing a Faculty of Space in the kingdom. However, Samdech Thipadei rejected the idea, stating that this skill does not meet the current demands of the kingdom's market.

The premier spoke on Thursday (Jun. 13) during a graduation ceremony for 540 students of Limkokwing University in Phnom Penh.

"At present, Cambodia does not require the training or establishment of astronauts," the premier underlined. "Previously, a group of investors proposed creating a Faculty of Space in Cambodia. I responded that there is no demand for this skill here and warned that investing in this area could lead to financial losses."

Taking this occasion, Samdech Thipadei advised the investors to consider opening a Faculty of Digital IT or Artificial Intelligence (AI) instead, as Cambodia currently has a high demand for these fields.

The premier highlighted that Cambodia needs skills that meet current demands and anticipate realistic future needs. He added that human resource development and market creation must be mutually complementary.